Another installment of Let’s Talk About!

Do you think the generative AI interfaces will change the way school is operated in the future?

I am wondering about how we can best predict the upcoming capabilities of AI so we can prepare to both take advantage of the upcoming models and not be replaced by them.

For the using generative tools assignments, how would we save the progress we have made in an AI tool such as ChatGPT so we can close the tab and continue next time. I’m guessing that we would have to create and account but I’m not completely sure.

With the Crystal AI tool we went over in class today, I feel that a logical next step would be to create a place to input things like goals from you contacting this linkedIn profile, and from there the ai will formulate your own easy messages using its own advice and findings on the profile. do you think AI will be able to get so good that it can converse automatically and convincingly like this to allow your productivity to skyrocket when cold calling?

Is AI growing at an exponential rate? Will the advancements in AI over the next 5 years be less significant than the advancements 5 years after that?

When I am interacting with AI and texting it my questions or tasks, how is it able to generate so much information so fast? Is it reading what I am typing and starting its response before I actually hit send?

What ai tool, if any, could be considered the most well-rounded in terms of its capabilities?

What are some current limitations to AI?

How will the development of AI effect the future of jobs and careers and what industries would get hit the hardest?

What could the consequences be of me putting lots of my personal information into chatgpt. it knows a lot about me and it and responds better because it does and I’d like it to stay that way and not give out personal information regarding my business or numbers.

How can I get AI to create apps entirely with minimal prompting?

Why do certain image generation AI struggle to correctly produce certain things like hands, words, numbers, etc?

Could we go over some more example topics that we can use for the Professional Generative AI project?

As of now, we don’t believe that AI can become conscious, but if in the future it does, what are the best indicators to help us understand/decipher if the AI is truly capable of consciousness?

Are there any measures being taken to control the power of AI?

When will AI schedule apps be able to update in real-time and rearrange someone’s schedule?

when we where shown the Crystal AI LinkedIn summarizer it brought me some questions. If AI is able to break down a persons personality in detail, then would it be possible to program that persons personality into a different ai and create an artificial version of that person.

What are some of the ways in the future that we can coexist with AI and use it for our benefit?

Can AI really get to the point where it will overtake our lives?

The Crystal ai shown in class today was really interesting to me. Do you see it as disingenuous or inauthentic to use ai like this to try and change how you interact with people?

After doing the guardrails assignment, I realized a lot of the likely solutions include creating a blocker and letting a human be the overseer. Would this solution be effective? Or could human error interfere?

Because of the heavy negative environmental impact caused by the developments and usage of artificial intelligence (Large Language Models), is or will the overall benefit of AI development/usage outweigh its overall costs?

Could AI be trusted for guardrails?

A question that I have is where is the limit to AI. In this past project, it feels like it is so versatile that it is nearly limitless.

How do you hope to see artificial intelligence change the creative field in the future? Where would you like to see it go?

Can we use LLMs to create a collective intelligence that can generate groundbreaking research? If so, how can we ensure it remains aligned with human values?

Just wondering if MidJourney is worth it to buy for a digital marketing standpoint

What is the number one daily/simple task AI could eliminate in everyone’s lives?

How can i develop and AI powered version of a system like “Quickbooks” for businesses?

Is AI predicting the future probable?

As a bio major my question is how much does Ai help our medical world currently.

We talked about guardrails, whats stopping Ai companies to just put trigger words in their code that when put together, cause the Ai to just not reply or say they can’t help with that.

Thoughts on fast-food and other minimum wage positions being done by AI? Drive thru is being replaced, and new reports from Chipotle show a machine that can automatically dispense toppings so there is no human error. Source

Is using AI in the professional or job-related world morally wrong?

When professionally using generative AI, is it possible that it will be smart enough to use a prompt that needs to be better written and still punch out a sufficient response using prior knowledge of similar tasks?

Is chat gpt the most popular generative AI in the world?

Is there a way to get banned from using AI? and has there been any cases where people have been banned from AI?

When do you think lawmakers will begin making laws around generative AI?

How will AI form the future of human collabing with machines?

Can you explain what we are intended to do/get out of each of these parts?


Are we going to learn about how to specialize our prompts for different AI websites or are we going to use the same prompt formula for all of them?

If these AI models are trained to communicate with our questions and loaded with so much information, what is causing all of the frequent computing and comprehension errors?

Now that students have access to Google Gemini, would it be better to use Gemini than to use the free versions of other AI? In what situations may Gemini be a better tool?

Will AI every get to the point where is can accurately predict stock markets years in advance?

Before this class I knew what AI was but only really understood it from the perspective that I have been using it. Before I used it in ways to just help me with homework. I would use AI to give me some ideas of how to start and write my response based off of that response it gave me. Now I have realized that AI can be used in many different ways. For example, someone could use it to photoshop someone’s face onto a body. They could do that in a positive or negative way. They could photoshop it and make a funny picture or they could photoshop and create an inappropriate picture.

How does LinkedIn feel about Crystal scrubbing other people’s information from their website?

Who controls the information that is trained for models like ChatGPT and could it be bias in some circumstances?

With doing the professional homework assignment I noticed that AI could be a series tool for companies to use. Is that happening in the world today with the advancements of AI.

How can we use AI to develop a website? Let’s say we wanted it to make a design with image generation. How could we then get it to program a similar layout?

How can I ensure AI is free from Bias?

How can I ensure I am using generative AI ethically?

Do I need to cite AI?

How will students use Gemini now that we have it?

Are all of these different ai tools working on the same kinds of LLM’s?

This is something that has been bugging me is why do people treat machines poorly?

Dennis Cheatham

Associate Professor, Communication Design

Miami University

Updated: September 24, 2024 4:51 pm
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