Here’s what we’re talking about this week.

Since many image generation AIs for our class draw inspiration from online images without the original content owner(s)’ permission, many of our generated images have features of someone else’s work. Could this be considered an unethical use of AI concerning copyrighted content?

How will AI change the way we apply copyright?

How will AI affect artists and how art is created in the future?

What companies/industries already have implemented AI into their process of getting their work done?

Is using AI in a professional job setting wrong?

Does the idea of telling the AI that you like or dislike a certain aspect work when generating images, or is it better for text-based generations?

In your opinion how does Microsoft’s Copilot compare to ChatGPT or Gemini? Do they have different capabilities?

I notice myself behaving more mechanically in this a good thing? If not, can it be reversed?

Our next method is using Sound/Code/Video for a topic of choice, How does Ai created sound, and Videos?

How do generative AIs falsify information or answers to questions?

I am not sure if there is a way to get ChatGPT to create pictures or if you just have to use a different website, but it would be a lot easier if we could use ChatGPT for all of the Ideate, research, create and test aspects of this image project we did. I used it for everything except create but since ChatGPT uses past replies and questions to give new answers it would be interesting to see what my pictures would have looked like in there rather than having to type out things that were suggested in a different AI website to get a picture.

is there a way to generate images and revise them without it changing other things in the image.

How can we make ChatGPT accurately follow a prompt that includes a setting, character design, character personality, and plot? When I worked on this, it took several attempts to get it decently correct.

Why does OpenAI block so many images from being generated? It says it “failed to complete the image generation” until I modify the prompt.

What are some ethical concerns as AI becomes more capable of mimicking human behavior and creativity?

How are we gonna be able to differ real images from actual images in things like contests and such?

Is there even a point to being a photographer anymore since people aren’t gonna be able to tell the difference?

Will it be possible for a human to detect an AI-generated image one day when it can look so realistic, or will it be too difficult to tell?

What program can I use that will give me infinite amounts of high quality images?

Chat GPT gives me limited amounts and other programs did not give me good images I had hoped for,

How is AI going to become more accurate in the video aspect of it?

As we went over image generation this week I was wondering why midjourney and chatgpt are terrible about generating images with words and faces and not being able to make figures look realistic. It seemed no matter how long I spent prompting pictures I could never get what I had wanted even when the prompt was over 250 words. How will they improve on this?

Regarding the Generative AI Image, how are we supposed to test the image. Are we able to move the image from a image system like Dall-E back to the normal ChatGPT system to have it tested? or do we have to do something else.

Thinking about my favorite player Nick Chubb, which is someone who has suffered severe knee injuries in his career. Would there be anything that AI can do to construct a knee or parts of a knee that would make it unbreakable again. Or something that would be able to speed up recovery from a significant injury.

With the recent developments in vocal ai that can respond to you, it reminds me more and more of movies like blade runner 2049 and her, and I wonder if we’ll see similar scenarios play out in real time before us. With the amount of loneliness and isolation many people feel socially I wouldn’t be surprised if that market really opens up.

As we think about AI being added and used often in field areas such as education or healthcare. Can we trust AI with so many individuals personal information? Even though privacy barriers are put on a lot of the platforms, can AI misuse itself and bypass those barriers, releasing and misusing personal information.

What is the best way to use AI to do accurate research?

With the world of AI expanding and we went over the new technology of the small futuristic phones you can wear that project holograms, do you think that Iphones and the traditional phones we use now will be obsolete by 2030?

Why does miami block me from getting access to gemini?

Do you think AI will be able to take over the world’s technology someday?

Will AI have the capability to understand and engage in human relationships on an emotional level?

My question is based off of my “image” miro board. And that is what guidelines does AI have to follow? This is because some of my characters in my image were AI generated when I thought it could have used all real people.

What role does failure play in the generative process, and how can we embrace it?

We talked about the rabbitAI device in class. What about the device do you think needs improvement? Do you think smartphones will be completely replaced by devices similar to these in the future?

Do you see OpenAI being overtaken by another company in the future? In recent years, I can think of BlackBerry refusing to adapt its cellphones, which led to it being left behind by other companies.

What do you think the next steps to AI video generation are and how effective is sora?

Do you think AI will ever reach the capability to produce shows or movies?

how do i create limitations for my AI when it comes to creating images? How do i narrow its personal ideas on the prompt i give it?

Will Gpt 4 Voice talking feature completely eliminate tutoring for high schools and colleges across the country?

What is the best AI platform to use to generate images that is free?

What are the legal consequences that come with AI making deepfakes or scams?

Will AI get to a point where uploading pictures and the AI will be able to redesign a room and professional decorators or designers will not be needed?

How is AI able to produce such a variety of replies for just one question?

How is AI going to change the workforce? What jobs might become obsolete due to the implementation of AI?

How are we able to put safeguards on AI so that in the future, if personal information is shared, it can protect the privacy of users? 

One thing that really surprised me was since I’ve upgraded to ChatGPT 4.0 I’ve been getting way better results. Not only just answering my prompts but adding on additional helpful info or tips at the end as well. I’m curious is this just because it is the paid version now or is it learning to give more information outside of the prompt.

I know you have spoken about many different AI software in class, but I was wondering if you could talk more about specialized AI software that you like and use for specific tasks.

How will AI be incorporated into new technology, such as phones?

Does Chat GPT have access to all of the published stories/books that exist in the world? If so does it take inspiration from them when helping me craft my story?

In what ways can AI be leveraged to enhance the creative process in fields like design, filmmaking, or game development? What are the potential limitations or risks of relying too heavily on AI for creative output?

How can AI manipulate us with out us knowing and how could we prevent this?

Dennis Cheatham

Associate Professor, Communication Design

Miami University

Updated: October 3, 2024 2:37 pm
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