Our course is currently focused on creating with generative AI—a series of five assignments where students are creating various outcomes. Here are some of the things in their minds.

In today’s class, we discussed the importance of prompting in getting the result that we want. I am currently trying out midjourney, and I was just wondering what I should be looking for in regards to what my prompt should include? Is the more descriptive better, less or more words, etc?

Can (and will) AI be used to win a sports tournament (NBA finals, Superbowl, World Cup, etc.) Like can AI be used to analyze exactly what type of players should be assembled into a team and things like that to win.

Looking at how AI is being used in class right now, for all different avenues of creation and even different genres within those avenues, I can’t help but wonder how many people across the world and especially the professional world are using AI tools to do better work, to do less work, or even to improve their standing in a company. Based on the number and affect of these tools, will there be new company rules against them, will there be laws passed against them (especially for premium versions of things, helping people who pay get a greater advantage)?

Is there a way to detect if something is AI generated with 100% guarantee. For example, is there an AI detector like GPTZero that can guarantee that something is made from AI, or because the data it uses comes from humans, does it make it undetectable?

I am becoming more and more interested in creating my own GPT. I want to make a bot that I can enter my journal entries and ideas / thoughts so that I can talk to “old” versions of myself in the future. Should I make it a direct “day” recall system or a bot that develops my style? I’m not sure which will be more interesting and effective.

What projects are people doing for the “professional” using generative ai assignments? And what ai tools are they using? I’m not sure what I want to do yet but I know I want it to be something that benefits me that I can actually use in my life. The thing that jumps to my mind is to use ai to build a resume, I’m just not feeling making a resume right now 🙂 What other things are people doing for this?

How can AI be used to enhance creativity and artistic expression while preserving the “human touch” and authenticity?

How can we use our minds to develop a type of AI that doesn’t need revision form humans? A lot of AI is a great tool but can use some revision because it provides too much or not enough information, sometimes it even provides false or controversial information. I bet AI will be advanced enough eventually to be error free but in the meantime, how can someone program it to be error free?

Is it possible to fully automate a web browser to do menial tasks with AI?

What are the ethical concerns and challenges that may arise as AI becomes part of the creative process?

Is there a particular AI tool that is best to use for sound, image, video that is good quality but has free access?

Elon Musk is suing Open AI on the basis of “betraying its goal to benefit humanity”. Will this lawsuit go anywhere? what would restitution even look like?

I am currently creating a life hack in class where AI is listening to me while I input information and then it gives me an output from all the given information. What if AI could create its own unique form of creativity so that I did not have to be specific with any details of the information. What would happen?

My main question this week lies in its use for advertisements: will AI ever be able to understand how to appeal to the human brain more than humans ourselves?

How will AI become an active player in the realm of the music industry/sound development?

After hearing about the different AI programs in class and seeing peers test them out, I must say ChatGPT is very versatile and has been even when it was in very early forms. Although saying that it is evident there is sometimes a better AI for for task which can perfectly accomplish what you want instead of using a versatile AI to the best of it’s capabilities but not getting the idea you envisioned completely.

So we understand that currently anything produced by AI is technically owned by the AI company since their tool generated the creation. I am curious however especially in the case of the audio and music generators if an individual uploaded their own voice, their own recordings, and completely generated a unique and new sound using only personal information what would occur?

let’s talk about What are the current applications of machine learning technology in industry?

When it comes to creating and generating your final pieces for the generative tools project , how do you go about the specificities of grading when most of the content we create is fictional, involves free-based creativity, and encourages free will?

How big of a difference might there be in AI technology within the next year?

With AI becoming so widespread I wonder how it becoming so easily accessible will change the world?

Would you pay to see a movie created entirely by AI? Essentially, a prompt for sora that is an entire movie.

How might ChatGPT’s increasing complexity and understanding impact privacy concerns and data security for users interacting with the model? Is there a way I could become apart of it’s database? Or am I already apart of it…

How do stakeholders collaborate to ensure AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly?

Sometimes, when using generative AI for business or writing purposes, I wonder what the best prompting methods are to give the most human-like output.

Why should we care so much about what AI does for us? What is its main strengths?

Dennis Cheatham

Associate Professor, Communication Design

Miami University

Updated: September 24, 2024 4:48 pm
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