Here’s what we are talking about in Creating With Generative AI.

When using Chat GPT, why does pressing “enter” to submit your input sometimes work, and other times, it doesn’t?

Any thoughts on the new release of Tesla’s Optimus robots?

What are your thoughts on the new Tesla robots?

What do you think about the new optimus Tesla robots that just came out and if they will be helpful or hurtful in society?

What role will AI play in Tesla’s future products beyond self-driving cars?

What is your opinion on the elon musk robots, and do you think they pose a possible threat?

How might chatbots and virtual assistants be improved in the future to handle more complex and multi-step instructions from users without confusion?

What are some different ways you can use AI for lifehacks or in your everyday life?

Will artificial intelligence and robots end up taking more service jobs in the future?

YouTube Example

How does Ai make sound/music?

After learning about Ai Bytes, a question popped into my head. What all goes into creating an artificial intelligence generator?

How would Al develop its own sense of humor if trained on human comedy across different cultures? Would it create new forms of humor that humans might not understand?

How can the average person implement AI into their daily life?

In what ways does the capability of identifying individuals in real-time challenge our understanding of consent in public spaces?

Since AI is constantly advancing, at what point do you think it will stop? What will it be able to do at that point?

Will AI ever be used for news or live media like announcing a football game?

As we approach the end of our Create Using Generative AI Tools projects, I’ve realized that AI now has the capability to perform many tasks such as creating, analyzing, and researching on par with or even surpassing human abilities. Many people envision AI assisting us with everyday chores like laundry and dishes, allowing us to focus on more meaningful activities (our jobs). However, AI is currently doing the opposite. Similar to the quote from Joanna Maciejewska on X, “You know what the biggest problem with pushing all-things-AI is? Wrong direction. I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes.”

So is AI development really heading in the direction that everyone wanted?

I wonder about the possibility of Ai taking over creativity. With the creating audio project it was very easy to create pretty good sounding songs. Will AI music become popular or make it to the radio?

When creating the lifehack for our Miroboard, how could we actually incorporate it using AI into our every day lives?

If people are able to use AI for life help/life hacks, like meal planning or other types of life help, what would be the purpose of people going to see life coaches? Is there a benefit of having a real human being help with these types of things?

do you think Ai is going to be able to run entire companies on its own in the future.

Will society get to the point where AI is so integrated into people’s daily lives that areas where they ban AI like doctors recommending no AI an hour before bed type thing?

At what point will we start to see more movies, shows, and music made by AI?

How do you determine what Generative AI program is going to be best for a project? What AIs are best at generating texts, images, videos, etc.?

If a scientist can get a Nobel prize while using AI, why is it so bad for us to use it for school (not just copy and pasting an essay but using it for information and help)? If AI is the future of everything, I think its best we use it and get lots of exposure so in our future careers we will know what to do and how to use it.

With AI being able to write and correct code, is it possible for generative AI to edit its own code to improve itself with features that it doesn’t already have?

How to create an AI program that will rival the more established programs already on the market?

What are your thoughts on the MLB thinking about getting rid of using real Umpires and switching it to a more AI and tech related umpire? Personally I think it ruins baseball because umpires are apart of baseball, but I can see how players would like it because of the accuracy in the calls it would make.

If AI can write scripts, make videos, market a product, and make sound. When will it be possible for AI to take over all of the movie industry?

How are creators using AI tools like MidJourney to seamlessly stitch images into viral videos that generate millions of views online, and what techniques make these videos so engaging and shareable?

How will the government ensure that AI will continue to grow and become smarter without it becoming too smart for its own good and potentially taking over the world or causing some big issue.

Does AI have specific guidelines when it comes to photo and sound creating?

Who would you say is the leading company when it comes to artificial intelligence and why?

What is the best AI tool for video generation?

Will AI be more of a threat for cybersecurity in the future or will it become more of a tool for protection against cyber attacks?

The minority report article seems like a major violation of personal info, and it was just made by college students. Do you know of or think any major corporations or government agencies have begun utilizing technology like this?

What are we supposed to do with the generative AI lifehack assignment? What are we trying to create with it?

Should powerful AI models be open source or closed source?

Can we talk about why when image generating, does ChatGPT and other forms of AI struggle to spell the words you are trying to produce in a logo for example?

What is next with LLMs?

With what happened with Crowdstrike in the summer, surgeries were stopped and everything. This rings the question that is automating everything and including AI in everything even the best choice for humanity?

If we allow AI to take over more advanced tasks such as driving (Tesla Robotaxi) then what we will spend our time doing? I feel as humans are driven by accomplishment and succeeding in little tasks but if we can’t even reap this anymore than what will we do?

What are the best free programs to generate a voice/ sound?

How might the ability to use generate sounds a voices negatively impact society?

Would it be possible to make a video game that creates a new plot and characters each time you play through it? The map would be pre-designed like Skyrim/GTA/etc. Perhaps this could be utilized for “custom missions.”

I think for the AI character design to work, you would need to train an AI on the Character Maker. For the plot, use an AI like ChatGPT. For the dialogue, use an AI like Sudowrite. For motion, use an AI like the one in GTA that enables cops to chase you down.

Is there a way that people could go in and hack AI to have it say whatever they want or use it to harm the users?

Is there a point when the AI glasses take it too far in terms of crossing privacy boundaries?

how could I use AI to make a new life hack?

How do you think the AI text to video feature could shape the film industry in the future? Do you think it will have any impact?

When talking about the ethics of AI, should there be different ethics for different situations similar to how people have professional and personal ethics?

How is the use of AI within school affecting our critical thinking skills, are students abusing the use of AI?

I know that we have been practicing methods for prompting and thinking like AI, and I am curious to know if there is another evolution to build on top of these activities, or are we just going to keep practicing using AI with different examples?

This week in AI Bytes, we discussed some fascinating yet concerning technology advancements. Two Harvard students developed smart glasses that can recognize anyone’s face and instantly provide detailed information about them. Zain Kahn shared an example where someone wearing these Ray-Bans could walk up to you and say, “How’s that new Honda CR-V you bought last week?” This really got me thinking about the potential loss of privacy with these kinds of tools. How do you all feel about this level of surveillance? Do you think the benefits of this technology outweigh the risks, or is it something we should be more cautious about?

Do you think AI could replicate the ability to adapt and respond to unexpected challenges during an interview or work setting

Dennis Cheatham

Associate Professor, Communication Design

Miami University

Updated: October 17, 2024 2:39 pm
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