This week, our course turned to Wicked Problems, applying Generative AI as a tool to help us explore complex social problems. These problems have no “correct” answers, from planning a family vacation to voting access in political elections. With our minds on complexity and systems, here’s what students want to talk about.

At what point will the first job be completely taken over by AI? And what job do we think it will be?

If humans gained power on a point system just like the recent assignment we did, What would stop us from constantly having issues due to too many humans having too much power?

Should one use AI for automated trading with securities? I am perplexed upon this issue, I could see the benefits of this for long term growth as long as the AI is kept up to date, however short term is questionable.

Will society ever reach the point where human involvement is no longer necessary to solve the multifaceted wicked problems of our world? Is it possible AI can be the solution entirely?

When talking about the ethical and moral issues of AI, how do we balance the development of the technology with individual privacy, safety, and the overall interests of society?

What is the next assignment or project that allows us to create with AI?

can ai find out when the next solar eclipse will be?

What specific ethical considerations should we prioritize when developing and integrating artificial intelligence systems into everyday life, and how can we ensure AI aligns with human values and respects fundamental rights? Should this be put into law? Is it already?

How might libraries be affected by continuous AI advancements?

What are examples of wicked problems concerning the government?

Let us talk about the fascinating advancements and ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence.

Can AI be broken down into subsections of its uses? More simply, are their enough jobs and services in our world today to have an AI segmentation of the workforce?

Can AI truly be creative?

How can artificial intelligence technologies be developed and applied to support individuals with disabilities in achieving greater independence and enhancing their quality of life?

Do you think that ai has the potential to build roads

What is the biggest wicked problem is America facing right now and what are we doing about it?

What are the limitations of current AI technologies?

A question I have is, How can businesses effectively leverage cloud computing to achieve scalability, cost savings, and agility in their operations? Moreover, what strategies should they employ to mitigate the risks associated with cloud adoption, such as data security, vendor lock-in, and potential service disruptions, to ensure a smooth and successful transition to the cloud?

How can AI benefit us most significantly for the future?

I was messing around with an AI that responds to articulation of your words, and can dictate your emotions through your words. It is very interesting. I was thinking, with technology like this, could we see a future where therapy sessions could be held with AI?

Here’s the link to the empathetic AI (check it out it’s cool!)

Is it morally wrong for businesses to utilize social media by posting deceptive marketing or fictitious products to gauge their potential?

How could the use of AI help us reduce the number of accidents that occur during bad weather?

What are the advantages and disadvantages for having AI connected to the current and up to date internet / database.

As we’re looking into new topics like wicked problems and how we can apply ai to humans, where does AI truly go? We’ve already seen a plethora of language and image models the upstart of music models, etc. How long before we see AI being implemented in the public (robots, transport, etc) like we see in the movies?

Have there been any known uses or cases involved with using AI when it comes to medicine and treatment? And if AI has been used in places like hospitals, how useful has it been?

I wonder how my career as a computer scientist will be impacted by AI. Will my logic and management skills remain useful, or will I be working at McDonalds after I graduate?

There’s this commercial about AI that has been on recently. I don’t recall who the advertiser is in the commercial but there is a girl getting ready to leave her house and she is talking to her AI device, commanding it to do things for her. When she goes to open the door to leave, the AI device locks the door and refuses to let her out, and the commercial momentarily gets very dark and creepy. It then turns out that the AI device noticed that the girl forgot an item that she needed and was trying to prevent her from leaving without it. I know the commercial is supposed to be in promotion of the AI device… but I think the creepiness of the door-locking sends the completely wrong message? Especially since so many people already think of AI in a negative way…

Due to its “Campaign for Real Beauty,” Dove has restated its commitment to never using ai to represent real people in ads for its products. I think this is good, but I wonder which is more ethical, using Photoshop to retouch pictures or using AI to completely fabricate pictures? Are either?

What are some of the ways you have applied your experience boosters to our projects?

Dennis Cheatham

Associate Professor, Communication Design

Miami University

Updated: April 10, 2024 8:42 am
a composite image of a black woman's face and a city and clouds superimposed on it. prompt: "a wicked problem"
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